Now that Governor Brian Kemp has signed the bill making permitless carry law for the state of Georgia, half the country is on board with dropping state licensing requirements to carry a gun. That’s a significant jump in a short period of time and a fantastic nod toward Second Amendment rights.
What Is Permitless Carry?
The details of permitless carry vary somewhat according to state, but as a general rule it means law-abiding citizens can carry a gun without a concealed carry permit. For many states that also signals the end of state-mandated classes gun owners had to take to get their permits in the first place. Yes, those class requirements remain in place in those states for anyone who wants their carry permit, but it’s no longer mandatory simply to carry a gun.
There are restrictions to permitless carry. For example, it only applies to people who are legally allowed to possess and carry a firearm. Someone who was previously ineligible for firearms ownership isn’t granted guns under permitless carry. Laws prohibiting certain persons are still in place. And in permitless carry states, carry—whether open or concealed—has rules and regulations. For instance, some states only apply it to residents. It isn’t a free-for-all, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific law in the state you intend to carry in. Remember, claiming ignorance of the law is never a valid legal defense.
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The 25 states with permitless carry laws include:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Georgia
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Please note that while these 25 states have passed laws allowing permitless carry, not every state’s effective date has arrived. Check your local laws.
Who’s next for permitless carry? South Carolina’s House passed HB 3096 in April 2021 and the bill is active this 2022 session, meaning it could continue on its way to becoming law. The state of Wisconsin doesn’t have it yet, but all three Republican gubernatorial candidates have made statements to the media that they’d sign permitless carry if they’re elected. Louisiana has a bill currently making its way through the steps to possibly become law.
Florida has considered it, but the last attempt didn’t make it past the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee. It was also tried by Nebraska, but ended up filibustered and removed from the legislative process.
Permitless carry doesn’t do away with the need for Legal Defense for Self Defense®. A U.S. LawShield® membership gives gun owners access to qualified Independent Program Attorneys and peace of mind. To learn more, click here.
Would you like to see permitless carry in your state? Tell us about it in the comments section.
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Nj is the worst state for owning guns due to all the restrictions that Democrats have passed. This is the extent of your gun privileges 1. You can have your gun in your home. 2 transport it to and from gun range. 3 shoot at the range. If someone enters your home and you use your firearm to protect your family chances are you are going to jail it doesn’t matter what the circumstances. Laws in nj need to be changed to protect the citizens against criminals. All these restrictions are against law abiding citizens the criminal does not have to comply due to their criminal activity. We cannot defend ourselves without being criminally indicted. We need change.
I used to live in NJ and had a business in Newark. I was robbed a gun point 4 times, and once a saw up shotgun to my face. And could never get a permit to have a gun in my business.
I moved to Texas 20 years ago