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  • 2021 LaborDay 950x534 min

Building America: The History of Labor Day

2023-08-17T12:07:21-05:00June 15th, 2023|

Labor Day is often seen as an opportunity for a long three-day weekend full of BBQ, pool time, and maybe some dove hunting (because you can also grill dove poppers). And while it’s certainly nice to have a chance to unwind with friends and family, there’s more to the holiday than that. What is Labor Day about? How far back do its roots stretch, and why do we celebrate it to begin with?

  • Flying with Guns

Flying with a Gun: The Do’s and Don’ts of Firearms and Air Travel

2023-08-07T14:11:54-05:00May 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |

With the pandemic slowly drawing to a close and a return to normalcy appearing on the horizon, it’s safe to assume Americans will be traveling more in 2021 than in 2020. And whether you’re new to guns or have been shooting your entire life, it’s important to remember there are very specific rules in place if you decide to travel by air with your firearm.

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