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Florida Concealed Carry Laws

2022-02-24T05:42:55-06:00May 29th, 2019|Tags: , |

You are in a supermarket shopping. You reach up to the highest shelf and your concealed carry weapon is exposed. To your dismay, you see someone run from the aisle screaming, “He has a gun.” What do you do?


Georgia Concealed Carry Laws

2022-03-22T18:36:25-05:00May 29th, 2019|Tags: , |

Georgia CCW Laws: Someone sees your concealed weapon and panics, what do you do? What are the Georgia concealed carry laws? What are the practical implications? Let’s spend some time discussing how best to handle someone else’s moment of panic when that person reacts negatively to seeing your concealed firearm in public. What are some simple practical steps to deescalate that situation?

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